The SpectroNet clustermanagement has attended at the Sensor+Test 2018 from 26.06.-28.06.2018 to present latest developments in the cluster. In addition, the clustermanager Dr. Nick Leithold presented selected products and services of our clusterpartners to interested fair visitors. We were located at the community stand of our partner Strategische Partnerschaft Sensorik e.V.. The Sensor+Test trade fair in Nürnberg was concluded today with gratifying figures. Just about 8,000 visitors (last year 8,107) used the three days of the fair to obtain comprehensive information at the stands of the 591 exhibitors (last year 569) and to catch up at the forums on the state of the art of sensor, measuring, and testing technology. The number of exhibitors from abroad was the highest in the last ten years. The share of exhibitors from abroad soared to a new record of 40%. Thus, the SENSOR+TEST impressively substantiated its position as the worldwide leading event for sensor, measuring, and testing technology. Source: www.sensor-test.de