Join the ChiiOnline community now and you can exchange and network with specialists and opinion leaders in the hyperspectral industry. As we all know HSI technology is on the rise. After a successful launch in November 2020, the truly go-to place for all HSI specialists will continue with 3 online events in December presenting the latest innovations and expert talks in spectral imaging. Hardware-, Software- and Applications for Spectral Imaging will be represented. You are invited to apply for the limited free speaker slots.
Apply here for your application as a speaker.
ChiiOnline is inviting you for the chiiOnline web pitch seat. The 15-minute web pitches are the perfect format for your organization. In these online web pitches, you can pitch your products, ideas & challenges within the industry and initiate new contacts. Each web pitch lasts 15 minutes, which provides an ideal format to get a varied yet comprehensive overview of what is happening in the hyperspectral imaging market & to drink a coffee!
For joining as a participant apply here.
3 chiiOnline sessions each 90 min 4 speakers 20 min each (15 min presentation | 5 min Q&A)
01.12.2021 -
15h00 - 16h30 Hardware for Spectral Imaging
07.12.2021 -
15h00 - 16h30 Software for Spectral Imaging
15.12.2021 -
15h00 - 16h30 Applications for Spectral Imaging
What is chiiOnline all about?
With this unique community, we offer a global cross-industry network for the hyperspectral industry. We initiate, promote and coordinate cooperation between companies, researchers & solution providers. Through chiiOnline we facilitate collaboration for network members. chiiOnline connects the hyperspectral community online & worldwide. As a hub for member companies, research institutes and decision-makers, we are also committed to the worldwide promotion of hyperspectral technology. And best of all: access to the chiiOnline community is free of charge.
For more information visit our partner website.