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Review SpectroNet Collaboration Conference 2022, Jena

Updated: Sep 26, 2022

Last week our SSC 2022 was held in collaboration with the alliances WIR! - Holz-21-regio and RUBIN - AMI - Advanced Multimodal Imaging.

The conference slogan was:

From Research to Industry - Multimodal Photonic Sensing

Empowering Developments in Measurement and Quality Assurance for Industry, Forestry and Life Sciences

We were able to listen to 4 Sessions with interesting topics in:

  • Session 1: Photonic Sensing Solutions

  • Session 2: Machine Vision Solutions

  • Session 3: Photonic & Machine Vision in Industry and Beyond

  • Session 4: Advanced Multimodal Imaging & Sensing

The first conference day was packed with 23 presentations, but all the speakers stayed perfectly in time, to the delight of our conference moderator Paul from SpectroNet. After a long day of fruitful discussions, interestings presentations and several visits at the Exhibition stands everybody was looking forward to the evening event - also known as the major part for networking, meeting business partners and also to get in touch with old friends, after all these years. And the location delivered what was promised. A beautiful view over the city of Jena at the balcony of the Landgrafen on the hillside succesfully ended the first conference day.

The main part of the 2nd day of the conference was the keynote and the interactive workshop on the topic of sensory technology in forestry and forest management. The Holz-21-regio alliance showed needs and demands for a sustainable forest management and long-term timber utilization. Some attendees were grateful for the practical application examples and the discussion on climate change conditions and Co2 storage potentials - topics, they don't come across very often in daily business life.

We would like to thank all participants and speakers for making the conference successful. We are very thankful for the opportunity to continue this tradition! It was the first time since 3 years that we could welcome many new as well as good old friends in the Technology and Innovation Park in Jena.

We would be happy to welcome you again next year in March in Karlsruhe (Germany) for OCM 2023 - Your Spectronet team.

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